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Top 24 Possible Topics For Your Next Research Paper

It is very easy to find so many research topics you can choose from regardless of your area of specialization. However, it is highly advisable for you to choose an area that is relevant to your field of study and one that you can easily complete within a given time duration. Below is a list of 24 topics to choose from;

  1. 1. Why should companies inhibit employees from carrying out exercises during work hours?
  2. 2. Social anxiety vs shyness.
  3. 3. Why are oil industries making a lot of money yet oil prices remain so high?
  4. 4. Main causes of terrorism attacks and are they justifiable
  5. 5. Causes and solutions of road hijacking
  6. 6. Suicide bombing; what does it take to become a suicide attacker.
  7. 7. Airplane crashes; causes and who should be held accountable for it
  8. 8. What laws should be put in place in all schools so as to curb all forms of bullying
  9. 9.Are justifiable state laws meant for specific crime
  10. 10.Why should people get married if both partners have equal rights once in marriage
  11. 11. Their being a minimum salary, should state laws initiate and institute a maximum salary
  12. 12. Should student athletes be paid every time they win a match or a race?
  13. 13. What is the effect of Information age in relation to losing historical information?
  14. 14. Does the government have the right to regulate what to be sold in school canteens?
  15. 15. Global warming; effects and are the instituted laws and polices justifiable
  16. 16. Does discrimination still exist in schools exist and how does this affect learning institutions?
  17. 17. Should learning institutions introduce corporal punishment?
  18. 18. Has the Internet made the youth more smarter and knowledgeable or Sociable
  19. 19. Does vaccination benefit young children or does it bring more negative implications?
  20. 20. Do laws on marijuana protect or bring more harm to an individual and the society?
  21. 21. Does alternative medicine do better than conventional medicine?
  22. 22. Should ads on cigarettes and alcohol be banned so as to protect the health of an individual and the society at large?
  23. 23. Is Religion the main cause of what role has it played in hateful deeds?
  24. 24. Which is the best method to go for; assisted murder or life preservation?


The above stated research areas are a collection from different academic study areas. There are many more that you can find. The best way to get more areas is by researching.